Why would I go to a soundbath?

“Why would you want to go to a sound bath, let alone need one?”

This is a question I get asked most, especially from people who are all about the doing, striving, sweating it out and generally full on always “doing”. Although, it is also many of these people who crave some “me time” and “down time” and just don’t know how to, or have just patterned their thoughts to be a particular idea, which may and possibly may not actually be doing that at all, in contrary, actually stressing the systems further.

Being busy all of the time isn’t supposed to be our norm! Working hard, training hard, socialising hard, playing catch up, if we continue life at this pace we will arrive at burn out and probably when you least expect it.

We are conditioned to think being busy is successful, being on the go shows you how much energy one has. Well, its not quite as black and white as that.

If you used your computer or phone constantly with out charging it up, what would happen? Do you judge these items when you plug them in? Do you think that they are weak? useless? not good enough? Well, sometimes maybe, for a moment when you don’t want them to run out! Think about your life on a daily basis, when do you stop to recharge?

When do you become still for just a pause? Where everything can reset? You are probably replying when I sleep, yes?

But, do you sleep and rest well even then? Do you have broken sleep? Wake up tired or worried? Go to bed late?

Daily, we need to pause. Stop and take stock, focus on being present, notice your surroundings, how you feel, how you breathe, how you respond. And allow yourself to catch up and reset back to balance.

Sound sessions, can help those with busy minds that can’t switch off to the busy chatter and constant to do lists to become more focused. Compartmentalise things and file them. Giving way to a more relaxed brain, and therefore finding a little more space to be creative, to be able to sort problems or issues, resolve things in a more coherent and logical way. Who doesnt want that? Clarity and space!

Physical aches and pains have been known to be released in a single session. I have witnessed clients lose their aches and pains and for many others lessen the sensations as the body has been able to relax deeply and let go of the binding patterns of the physical, mental and emotional body. They are all connected.

A sound bath may enable the mind, body and emotions to create the right environment for the immune system to switch on and the proper functioning of the digestive system and your hormones, (yes, ladies going through the menopause!) and a whole host of bodily systems to become healthier enabling you to release, restore and reset.

Allow the sounds to take you on a journey to deep relaxation effortlessly. You need only show up, be present as the sounds wash over you and through you. Think of a sound bath as a guided meditation without the words,

We have all experienced how sounds can change how you feel. My Sound baths and healing sessions integrate scientific research, sound psychology, integrated trainings and ancient wisdoms, to produce sounds that may help you relax, release and restore to improve your wellbeing,

In a group sound or gong bath, I will guide you through a short breath practice to settle you in, followed by a specifically chosen selection of Himalayan bowls, gongs, crystal bowls, drums, percussions and silence designed to create your unique journey. In one to one private sessions, a combination of tuning forks aligned to specific frequencies and other carefully selected instruments, as above, depending on your needs are used, bespoke to you.

If you would like to experience the deep relaxation and restorative powers of sound, please come and join me.

In resonance, Sue xxx

See this link for my next Soundbaths Woolacombe Bristol Bespoke 1 to 1


Yin Yoga & Crystal Bowls


A reminder to oneself