1:1 and Duo

Studio Sessions

  • 1 to 1 reformer

    Using the specially crafted Stott reformer with its ropes, pulleys and springs to challenge or support. It has a moving platform for lying, sitting, kneeling or standing on. Complete with a cardio-trampoline and jump board for horizontal jumping for cardio work and interval training, Reformer exercises can help you understand good movement, alignment and balance alongside challenging strength, stability and mobility.

  • duo reformer training

    Having two reformers means you can workout with a friend or partner. Great for sharing the cost and time together, if you are on holiday or enjoy working alongside others. Duo sessions work best when you are similar levels or have similar needs. For a more personalised and specific focus on you, book a 1 to 1.

  • performance training

    I have taught professional: runners, tri-athletes, windsurfers, footballers, rugby players and endurance athletes. These sessions may help prevent injury or to rehab an injury: retrain better movement patterns for a coordinated strength meaning better performance. They may help you work towards faster times in your races, less aches, pains or injuries. Sessions offer an integral workout, ironing out problematic areas. You do not have to be a professional athlete to gain these benefits.

  • for men

    Pilates is definitely for men. Come and try the reformer and experience my precision teaching and eye for detail. Whether you are a seasoned gym lover, surfer, runner or someone wishing to release daily stresses, aches and pains and want an all round healthy approach to movement and fitness, you will see and feel the difference.

  • V2max

    V2max is a little more than the reformer. Sessions offer more variations, more challenges or more support and awareness for your movements. You will be guided through sequences to help you discover ease in your body whilst improving strength, flexibility and balance. I may also use the sling and straps for the Garuda repertoires, varying your movement patterns for a dynamic flow.

  • release & reset

    Do you suffer aches, pains, limited movement? I believe I can help you. Physio exercises for rehabilitation are Pilates based exercises and my comprehensive integral practices may help you for faster recovery and better rehabilitation. My sessions are educational, empowering you to move better, move freer and find ways to create more ease in your body and mind, helping you to gain healthier movement and breathing patterns. Sense Greater Peace on & off the mat, in your every day life.

  • "Playing such a physical sport and dealing with lower back pain, I always found huge benefits in having pilates as part of my weekly routine with Sue. With a stronger core, I found my back pain disappeared and my body in general felt much more flexible and stronger meaning I am able to train harder. I cannot recommend Sue enough."

    Jason Woodward, Professional Rugby Player

  • "Sue is an amazing pilates instructor. Her approach is both intuitive and holistic. With her deep expert knowledge of the physiology of the body, and the connection of the mind to movement, she achieves great results very quickly. As an endurance sport enthusiast I found Sue’s support and instruction invaluable in improving my performance pain free. I started a sceptic in how quickly this would work for me, or if at all, but I was proved so very wrong. Couldn’t have been happier! "

    Josephine Bush, Endurance Athlete, Amundsen South Pole Expedition

  • "Sue has made me aware of how to use the right muscles that are our building blocks in attaining stability! And even though I would consider myself strong in certain areas, the important ones to keep me functionally performing well needed addressing. The results were outstanding."

    Drew, UK

  • “I can walk downstairs without my knee hurting!!! (And do squats) you’re a genius, thank you”

    Tessa, Bristol

  • "I went to Sue as I had problems with my back and shoulders, she then discovered problems with my hip, knee, and ankle! Thankfully after one2one tuition and hard work on my part, I'm almost fixed now. I've been an avid fan of Pilates for over 15 years now but Sue is the most competent instructor that has ever taught me. I have always enjoyed Pilates but when I was introduce to the Reformer /Stott Pilates, it has changed my posture and shape of my body."

    Lynda, North Somerset


  • The reformer is a wonderful piece of equipment guiding you through an extensive variety of movement and planes. Exercise on the reformer can support or challenge: strength, balance, alignment, awareness and proprioception. Helping to educate the clients’ neuromuscular and fascial systems, along with the guidance and feedback from the reformer and myself as I create your session. The reformer has a sliding carriage which is attached by various tensioned springs. The lighter the spring, the more challenge to the core and the stronger springs challenges strength and power. The reformer has a foot bar, arm pulleys, jump boards. V2 max is the attached tower with its own push through bar, roll down bar and springs. We can move through every possible position. You have to try it to love it! I have two which means I can help demonstrate or you can work with a partner or friend.

  • Yes, of course! Many of my new clients who have been under a physio bring their exercise sheets. I will then help them to make the most of the exercises, teaching them how to do them properly, efficiently and safely in order to expedite recovery. Creating ways for them to understand the purpose and to understand what is going on in the body, as to realign and come back to a better balance and alignment. I will help move you forward with an optimism and sense of understanding. Many of my clients report the they have not had to revisit their physio, Osteo or chiro after following a plan or joining my Pilates programs.

  • Yes, we will have a consultation where you will tell me a rounded version of your sport and lifestyle. I will watch you move and work out where the weak link is and create a variety of exercise and movements that iron out and release areas that need it and strengthen them once we have released the bindings. Reforming new healthier patterns.

    My clients have benefited from my trainings, going on to have less injuries and aches or pains also improving their sport as the body and mind is moving more efficiently.

  • I hold a very safe space for my clients, I meet you wherever you are at. I accept you as you are in the moment and do not judge, only support. My aim is to empower you, to give you confidence, to help you feel safe and inquisitive and unlock your potential. We will develop a trust and respect for each situation. You will discover ways to help you, unlock unhelpful thought patterns and come away feeling inspired.