Yin Yoga & Crystal Bowls

Crystal bowls have a very ethereal pure sound, each bowl sound will influence specific chakras, related organs and emotions.

Using sound psychology and playing certain bowls together can influence thoughts and feelings and physical body.

Playing in certain combinations and playing in certain ways can enable a releasing or harmonising effect, moving one back to balance emotionally, mentally and physically.

This combined with the powerful restorative and Yin Yoga asana holds is extremely powerful, and should be part of our regular self care routines.

Yin Yoga and crystal bowl healing may enable you to move towards peace and even liberation from previously stuck energies and patterns that we find ourselves in from not processing our feelings and thoughts. This can be from many years previous or more recent issues.

Emotions are energy in motion, they are meant to be transient. As humans we tend to cling to our thoughts, feelings and experiences or we end up suppressing them or avoiding them either as they are too painful, and we think we are protecting oursleves. But in reality all that does is actually feed them to grow and impact us on many other levels.

The Sound we create at a soundbath / gongbath entrains us to resonate at frequencies that can help these emotions, thoughts and dis-ease in the body to release, You may notice you want to cough all of a sudden, or fidget, get an ache or sensation, may want to laugh or cry. These are all natural and you should see it as positive and allow it to move through and out of you. Do not waste this release by trying to stop it.

Yin practice is to metaphorically sit with the discomfort of what arises, It is to recognise and acknowledge the discomfort , watch it and let it pass through you. Restorative Yoga is to find ease in the physical holding so you can totally relax in the pose and again notice what arises and let it pass. These 2 styles can be within the same session.Both are abut observing and surrendering. (Letting go is not the same as suppressing it or pretending it’s not there).

So you can see that this practice of Crystal bowl healing and Yin Yoga is powerful. So allow time after to process and reflect. Not judge, not cling to the outcome, observe and let go! In surrendering we are offering up release and finding freedom!

If you would like to try this session

Next dates

Mortehoe Monday 7:00pm

October 24

November 28

December 12

Backwell, Bristol

Thursday 10th November

Yang to Yin and Crystal bowls 7:00pm

Wednesday 8:30pm Zoom

Yin Yoga, and Crystal Yin

More sessions being added and slotted in.

If you would like to host a soundbath, gong bath or Crystal Yin Yoga session at your venue, work place or retreat please do get in touch, I would love to hear from you

Much love Sue x


Reflective practice:Your body is a reflection of your thoughts and emotions


Why would I go to a soundbath?