Sue Dawson Sue Dawson

The Transformative Power of Sound Baths

Step into a world where each vibration is a whisper to the soul: discover the transformative power of sound baths. Unlock a sanctuary of mental clarity and emotional balance, a harmonious journey for mind, body, and spirit. Dive deeper into this ancient practice, reimagined for the rhythm of modern life.

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self care, gratitude Sue Dawson self care, gratitude Sue Dawson

A reminder to oneself

I have been spending so many hours at the computer, building my new website, and writing for coursework and exams that I have seemed to have forgotten how to stop and play! But recent events have seriously carved some fun back into my weeks!

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sound, meditation Sue Dawson sound, meditation Sue Dawson

Sound Sessions, altered states of consciousness & brainwaves

Sound healing can create trance like states which can help you experience different emotional expressions, resolve problems and some traumas, enhance mental clarity and acuity. It has been known to reduce pain and other symptoms, one can also experience unitary consciousness where the person perceives themselves at being at one with the universe.

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