Pause, self nourishment

Pause and ask your self these questions. Answer from your heart not your head

Do you give back to yourself ? Do you nourish your heart & soul ?

What helps you feel nourished? 

We always seem to find excuses to fill our time with things to do, people to see, jobs to do. But in reality how many of these things can we hold back from for a moment to give some nourishment back to ourselves?  Maybe we recognise this and have started a regime and then life gets in the way and we forget again, all of a sudden we can’t remember when we stopped, is this you? I know this is me.

Most times it is because of the story we have relayed in our own mind, the patterns we have created from what we expect of ourselves, or the message we have heard from others, our mums, our friends, our partners, our teachers in life. 

The message was quite clearly “work harder” “rest is being lazy” “but” & of course,  “I don’t have time”

What if we were to break down this construct and challenge those patterns and start to reinforce new healthier ones instead like, 

“Self care matters” “self preservation gives me nourishment and therefor, from that place, I am showing others that it’s ok to look after themselves too!” “ when I take care of myself I have so much more to give, effortlessly!”  “Time is on my side”

Why not give this a try:

Catch yourself, catch your thoughts- re-educate your message in the moment & every moment you catch yourself. 

No judgment here guys, just an observation of your construct and then a gentle reminder to change that pattern to support you! 

Perhaps you already do this?  What strategies do you have in place ? 

Maybe try these:

Breath awareness and practices

Yoga or other mindful practices

Stretch & Move your body 

Have Cuddles

Walk outside 

Smell the air, the flowers, a piece of fruit

Have a leisurely bath

Wear your favourite or comfiest outfit

Drink from your favourite mug

See friends

I would love to know what works for you. 

Or even if this has helped to prompt you to make a pledge to notice what is your construct, and give your self the well earned permission you deserve to reinforce self love and self nourishment as a must, not a luxury. I will promise to do this more as well. In it together.

Much love

Sue, SGP

Sense Greater Peace through Soul Gratifying Practices


Sound Bath Journey


Menopause, stress & how we can help ourselves