Resolutions, are they just more pressure or supportive?
New Year brings the traditions to set resolutions, which can be useful but they can also be unhelpful and just add more pressure to an already pressured life.
How much time you invest in them and how you respond to the resolution is critical to a healthy outcome.
Are you choosing to make any resolutions?
Are they realistic, supportive and gentle?
Do you say it once and then never go back and check in if you are on track or even still aligned and therefor need to change them?
For a FREE Zoom crystal bowl intention setting session click the link at the end of this read.
Practice Session
Here are some ideas for you,
sit and meditate on the questions and journal your answers
Remember your answers can change, they aren’t set in stone!
So come back to this practice regularly to see if you are aligned to your resolutions, sankalpa, wishes, desires or see if you need to change and update them. as life is fluid, so our thoughts need to be adaptable
You may chose to do these separately and on different days or in one longer practice, so carve out some time for you where you will not be disturbed,
I chose to take more care of myself
How does this look for you?
To sleep better and taking steps towards making that happen?
Maybe to join a Yoga or Pilates session, forest bathing, joining a group of like minded people or interests.
Making time to see your friends regularly,
Or eat more nourishing foods,
I chose to take responsibility for my thoughts and actions
What thought patterns no longer align with you?
What healthy thoughts can you substitute the old ones for?
What habits do you need to change?
What are the first steps you can take to make new healthy habits and ways of being, start small!
I chose to be aware of my feelings and manage them
Breath work, journaling, mindful movement like Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Sound baths and meditations are all great ways to start an introspective journey, allowing you to be more aware of how you feel and giving you ways to express those feelings and learning how breath can help manage those feelings almost instantly,
I chose to set healthy boundaries
Learning what you need, to make you feel your best, mentally, emotional and physically, is the start to be able to know what boundaries need to be set. Learning strategies to put them in place and learning to manage your emotions, as we know, life throws some pretty big curve balls, but we can still put in boundaries to helps cope with those, they just need to be adaptable and changeable to each situation, enabling you to become more resilient.
These practices give us a great toolbox to help us manage daily life as well as any situation thrown at us.
The more we practice the better skilled we become.
Don’t hold on to the answers if they no longer align to where you are, CHANGE, EVOLVE, ADAPT, INCLUDE AND TRANSCEND, BE FLUID
I wish you well, I wish you peace and joy and I wish you a wonderful year ahead,
love Sue xxx