Christmas, fun or dread, take a breath

Christmas is here, how are YOU feeling?

It doesn’t matter if you forgot something, a present, the stuffing, ran out of wrapping paper! Really! It doesn’t! not in the grand scheme of things, so take a deep breath, remind yourself what truly matters?

Christmas can be so tough, for so many people in so many ways. How can we approach this ONE day, with a sense of greater peace?

Christmas and holidays seems to escalate the emotions and be a reminder of what is missing, It is hard not to feel all the various comparisons that arise, when we are inundated with images and “ideal, perfect “fake” lives on every social media field.

Please know you are not alone, behind the doors, there is always some element of sadness, pain, suffering, loss, because we are human, and human suffering is real. There are just varying depths of that.

Practice Session

Take time, my friend, to pause, breathe rhythmically and coherently, being in the moment with your breath, for this breath is real, it is now, it is the real PRESENT we are gifted with each beautiful breath.

In that moment, as you listen and experience just your breath, no ruminating, no thinking, no stories, no nothing, just your breath. Feel it, experience it, watch it and observe. In true conscious awareness. That is the gift.

Gratitude is a wonderful practice to enhance happiness, so what can you be grateful for today?

It doesn’t have to be material or big, the small things, the warmth of your home, the kindness in your heart, the gift of your breath, your eyes to see, the clothes on your body. Focus on gratitude, my friend, the small things we take for granted and watch how you can shift how you feel.

I wish you peace these holidays. Radiating love your way, as I have powered up and infused this message with Reiki and divine love. Receive my friend xxx

My FREE Meditations to support you

Simply Notice Your Breath

Calm SOS

Crystal Bowl Grounding and Clarity


Resolutions, are they just more pressure or supportive?


2 types of breath practice to restore calm and balance