SGP Sense Greater Peace

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Building in healthy habits

Have you carved time into your day to create moments of peace?

Helping you to boost your immune system, mental health, emotional health and self love?

With so many demands on us, work, family, and the pressures we put on ourself, it is so important to look after our self more than ever.

Changing our perspective, that this is not a chore to be endured but it is essential self care, is paramount to creating successful long term daily habits.

It is a continual journey, not a one time fix or project, but a healthy β€˜pause’ where time can become spacious, our minds more spacious. Enabling ourselves to have more clarity and acuity. Our physical and emotional stressors can then be down regulated or released, increasing our awareness to what our soul and body truly needs for healing. Boosting and rebalancing our immune system, resilience, chemical and hormonal balances and overall well-being.

Maybe try some of these, see what resonates, start small and build on it and remover to enjoy it!

Remember repetition creates habits, be mindful of your choices.


download instant timer meditation app and join in on my meditations.

try a daily meditation, even if it is only for a couple of minutes a day and just build up or add more - after several weeks or even days you will start to want to do more because it feels so good.

Sue Dawson Insight timer


every morning wake up and put your arms in the air and say out loud

β€œ I feel A-MAZING!!!”

β€œlife is good and I am absolutely good enough just as I am”

β€œtoday, I will choose to honour myself”

β€œtoday, I choose to be grateful for the insights and lessons that come my way”


make a place or a spot in your house that can be your β€œgo to” sanctuary. Even if it is a tiny corner in a room. where you can sit, lie or move and it feels inviting and welcoming without clutter.


get a lovely book and pen, one that β€œspeaks” to you - and journal your thoughts, your realtime expressions - no judgement - no right or wrong - don’t write what you think you should write - just what is! Notice how you feel after, and see if any emotions have shifted. Try this as it is, or complete after a meditation or yoga/mindful practice


take one minute (put on a timer) to just stop and do nothing at all- just be present with you! Notice your breath, notice how you feel. Get to know you! ask yourself these questions, How does that feel? How do I feel? What does my body feel?


lay down and hold your tummy - fill it with love - maybe visualising red or orange colours and give gratitude for your body for all that it has done for you. You are enough


get outside in nature, whether that is forest bathe, go for a mindful walk, head to the beach, park, forest, river- just be outside breath and listen to all the sounds, be present to the moment, take it all in with a beginners mind.


buy a cup or glass with a heart on and use this cup to drink and visualise filling your body with love as you do.


encourage your body to move freely. Flow with your breath, no restrictions, free movement and free your thoughts to be curious and explore your body through movement. Do a yoga practice or join a dance class,


give your self time and space to unwind at the end of the day, so you can sleep well and heal


plan your bedtime, create a routine to enable you to get plenty of sleep, try to go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning.


Avoid blue lights from TV, computers & phones several hours before bedtime.


hydrate throughout your day, eat as organic as you can, avoid processed foods and sugars


create a gratitude practice and do this each morning and evening.


make time to be or speak with someone or something you love or feel connected to (a family member, a friend, a pet, a place, a photo, a prayer, sing, chant)

through repetition you are boosting yourself to regain your inner strength, honour and love yourself - it is only when you can accept yourself and make time for yourself, that you can receive and give love fully, and a bonus, everyone around you will benefit πŸ’•

Lots of love

Sue πŸ™πŸΌπŸ§œβ€β™€οΈπŸ’•