Reflective practice:Your body is a reflection of your thoughts and emotions

Have you ever paused to think, that your body may reflect what you think on a subconscious level?

One's body can be seen as a reflection of their thoughts, both past and present, in various ways. Our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences can shape our physical well-being and even manifest in our body's condition. Try these practices

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Wellbeing, practices, healthy habits Sue Dawson Wellbeing, practices, healthy habits Sue Dawson

Building in healthy habits

It is a continual journey not a one time fix or project, but a healthy pause where time can become spacious, our minds more spacious, so we enable ourselves to have more clarity and acuity. Our physical and emotional stress can be released, our awareness to what our soul, body needs for healing and boosting and rebalancing our immune system, resilience, chemical and hormonal balances and overall well-being.

Maybe try some of these, see what resonates, start small and build on it.

Remember repetition creates habits, be mindful of your choices.

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