Soul FULL Yin


sleep, stress relief, resilience on and of the mat, breathing, heart rate variability,

connective tissue, elastin, collagen, scar tissue and adhesion, lubrication. glide and flexibility

Nourish our organs and cells of the body

Relax the mind, up regulate the parasympathetic nervous system and learn the ability to enjoy spaciousness and the silence within.

Reduce inflammation, reduce the mind chatter, release the mental and emotional energy stored in the body.

With busy lives and external and internal stressors we all need more Yin in our lives, Yin may not always be easy, it will push you to your edge a little, learning to be comfortable and find ease in the discomfort, improving your welding and resilience.

Or take the restorative approach and settle into comfort and learn to let go, be still, your approach and what suits you is always the best guidance, listening in.

A beautiful practice to add to your life, your schedule.

GIFT your self the pause and the silence to Sense Greater Peace

Online class Thursday 7:00am Zoom

In person please check current time table and pop sessions, or book a private session with me to guide you through what you need right now, physically, mentally and emotionally

Props you can use

Mat / Bolsters / Cushions / Yoga bricks / Straps / Blankets / Chair / Savasana Bolster

These session may use crystal or Himalayan bowls for a deeper release and restorative benefits

I look forward to seeing you on the mat

Sue ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Yin & Restorative Blog

Yin Yoga & Crystal Bowls Blog


Sound Baths for wellbeing


Chakras & Meditation