SGP Sense Greater Peace

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Opinions, how much to you let others hurt you?

Thought for this month

“Everyone is allowed to have their opinion, it is only that, THEIR opinion, not yours, not truth, just their opinion.

So, when we truly understand this, we can then choose to not allow others’ opinions to hurt us, affect us, or even make it our opinion.

What can you now choose to let go of that has previously impacted you?”

Please note I have set the practices for 5 minute to avoid rumination and to help cultivate noticing and letting go

Practice 1 for 5 minutes

sit quietly, reflect over your day,

are there any recent moments where someone’s opinions have affected you,

identify and label the emotion that came up, write it down

identify and label how you reacted, write it down, do not ruminate

breathe, inhale 4 counts, exhale 5 counts for 2 minutes

then let it go

Practice 2 Daily in the moment

Do this daily so you can use the skill, in the moment of any situation to help you.

Remember this is a practice, and one we will need to use many times a day, forever!

Deeper practice

Practice 3 for 5-minute, past hurts

As above, but how can you use this practice to let go of something from the past that you have been affected by and still are

(As far back as you feel ready to go)

If you need help with this, or anything along finding more peace in your life and finding resilience, coping strategies etc,

then please book a coaching session or course (see shop) with myself. I would love to help you.

Thank you, I would love to hear how you get on

With love

Sue xx