888 The Lionsgate Portal

The window remains open for approximately two weeks, until around the 21st of August

On the 8th of August, we reach the peak of the Lionsgate Portal, a celestial event that floods our planet with spiritually charged light, offering a profound opportunity for growth and a leap in consciousness. This year, the energy is especially potent, as the date itself, 8/8/2024, resonates with the powerful vibration of the number 8, representing infinity, abundance, and spiritual awakening. The alignment of the Earth, our physical Sun in Leo, and the star Sirius—often referred to as our Spiritual Sun—opens a gateway for accelerated ascension and deep transformation.

As the cosmic door swings wide during this Lionsgate Portal, we are invited to step fully into our own mastery, harness our innate powers of creation and manifestation, and find balance and harmony between the Divine Masculine and Sacred Feminine energies within and around us. The intensity of this moment encourages us to adapt quickly, becoming adept at ‘pivoting’ while remaining open, present, and soft in the face of rapid change. By finding the sweet spot between overactivity and stagnation, we can tap into the powerful momentum of manifestation, moving with ease, joy, and aliveness—without the risk of burning out.

The significance of this year’s Lionsgate Portal lies in the cosmic energies amplifying the number 8's symbolism of infinite possibilities and spiritual renewal. The Sun in Leo calls us to embody courage, creativity, and leadership, while Sirius enhances our spiritual growth, connecting us to divine wisdom and higher consciousness. This is a time to release old patterns and limiting beliefs, embrace new beginnings, and align deeply with our soul's purpose.

To harness these energies, take time to meditate, journal, set intentions, and tune into the high-frequency vibrations that are abundantly available. The Lionsgate Portal offers a pathway to profound transformation and spiritual awakening, guiding us to reconnect with our true soul self and the vast potential that lies within.

 The power of the Lionsgate Portal doesn’t end on the 8th of August. While this date marks the peak of the energetic influx, we can continue to work with these transformative energies in the days and weeks that follow, allowing the insights and shifts experienced during the portal to deepen and integrate into our daily lives. This extended period offers us the chance to solidify our intentions, align with our highest selves, and continue manifesting our deepest desires with clarity and purpose. The window remains open for approximately two weeks, until around the 21st of August, giving us ample time to fully embody the powerful shifts initiated during the Lionsgate and to step confidently into a new phase of our spiritual journey.

 Reflective Questions:

1.      What old patterns or beliefs am I ready to release in order to fully step into my personal power and align with my highest self?

2.     How can I cultivate a greater balance between my Divine Masculine and Sacred Feminine energies to support my spiritual growth and manifestations?

3.     What intentions do I want to set during this Lionsgate Portal to manifest my deepest soul desires, and how can I take aligned actions toward these intentions in the coming weeks?

Reflective Actions:

1.      Spend time in meditation or journaling to explore and release any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Allow the Lionsgate energies to guide you in letting go of what no longer serves you.

2.     Create a ritual or sacred practice that honours both your Divine Masculine and Sacred Feminine energies, such as balancing action with reflection, or strength with compassion.

3. Set clear, intentional goals for what you wish to manifest during this powerful time. Write them down, create a vision board, or engage in a creative activity that symbolises bringing your dreams to life.

I would love to hear from you

Sue xx


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