SGP Sense Greater Peace

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Stress Free Festive Holidays

Does the thought of the festive holidays feel you with joy and excitement or a sense of despair? Dread?

Whilst some people thrive on the idea of the gatherings, the preparing of wrapping presents, shopping, parties, what you are going to wear to the parties, family lunches, office lunches and drinks etc others will feel totally overwhelmed and exhausted and wish the month away.

Have a thought for those who have a different approach to you and don’t expect them to feel how you do. If we can check in and notice how others feel, it will help them, and you. It will help release any tensions that can evolve from the differences. We are after all, all different from moment tor moment, let alone to each other!

So how can we help ourselves to have a stress free time?

1/ Let go of expectations!

Expectations live in the future, and generally can’t be met! Leaving you mostly disappointed! If you expect something you are probably comparing, judging, possibly worrying about or spending energy on something that can rarely be met.

What if you allowed yourself to let go of expectation and be open and curious? How would that make you feel?

Not in control? Do you think you could enjoy something more if you had no expectation?

How often have you watched a movie with an expectation of what it would e like and were disappointed? Or watched a movie you had no idea was about and was pleasantly suprised? How about going out for dinner, a party, meeting someone new?

Maybe write some notes of times life didn’t offer your up your expectations?

Maybe you could go to your next office party, family gathering, or open your presents with only a sense of joy and curiosity and find the joy in whatever shows up for you?

2/ Take time to pause and breathe, follow any of the breath practices on my blog or meditations, or create your own

3/ Find something to be grateful for, science proves a gratitude practice can bring happiness! What we focus on manifests, grows, expands, what do you feed? Gratitude, joy or lack or fear?

4/ Stand tall, take up space and put a smile on your face and let your body FEEL the expression of what you want to create and eat you want to feel!

5/ Watch what you consume* does it make you feel good or does it not?

Consume* maybe alcohol, sugar, what you watch-social media, movies and what people you surround yourself with, say or do.

6/ Boundaries, setting boundaries, and knowing what is good for you and not being afraid to act on that. Whether that is to leave early, go to bed when you are tired, walk away or disengage from something or someone that is toxic, even if that is the voices in your own head!

7/ Saying what you mean, no when you mean no, yes when you want to say yes, etc

8/ by no means last!!!! Presence! be committed to be totally present, in the moment, when we live in the moment there is no past or future where regret or guilt or anxiety and worry live! Be there for you, experiencing and witnessing everything as it is, without judgement.

I hope this helps to remind you of what you already know.

Wishing you stress free festive holidays and everyday using the tools to keep you on track.

Much love Sue xx

Next week more breath techniques to help you stay calm or release fiery energy!

Last weeks blog - benefits of practicing breath work plus meditation links